Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes-1
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes-2
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Best Wishes
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Best Wishes-1
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Thank You Card-2
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Thank You Card-3
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Thank You Card4
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Thank You Card5
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Thank You Card6
Greeting Cards

Mini guldfolie assorterede lykønskningskort med konvolutter

UdsalgsprisRs. 438.52



Føj lidt glans til dine gaver med et folietrykt kort for at sige hej! Disse kort er fantastiske til fødselsdage, bryllupper, eksamen, tillykke og tak.

9 ASSORTEREDE KORT: Til dig x2, bedste ønsker x2 og tak x5.

Hvert kort måler 9,8x7 cm (3,9x3"), hver konvolut måler 10,3x7,5 cm (4x3");

Kortene er tomme indeni, og konvolutterne er ikke personlige.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Good quality and cute

Sooooo cute! I dont like writing any more, so these are perfect for a quick hello for friends in my apartment building. High quality and a cute assortment.

Happy customer
Excellent Thank You Notes!

Beautiful, high quality. Very nice design, also. Overall, Im quite pleased.