Flower Bouquet Card With Envelope by AMZ Deco
Flower Bouquet Card With Envelope Sets by AMZ Deco
Red Flower Bouquet Card With Envelope by AMZ Deco
Yellow Flower Bouquet Card With Envelope by AMZ Deco
Green Flower Bouquet Card With Envelope by AMZ Deco

Cárta Bouquet Bláthanna Le Clúdach

Praghas díola₩2,206



Tagann an tacar iontach seo le cárta bouquet fillte a bhfuil cuma spraíúil 3-T air agus nuair a bheidh sé neamhfhillte nochtfar do theachtaireacht lámhscríofa istigh. Tá siad foirfe mar chártaí Lá Vailintín agus oibríonn siad go han-mhaith mar chártaí Lá na Máthar freisin.

◎ MÉID: 160x110mm nó 6.3x4.3"