Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes-1
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes-2
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Best Wishes
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Best Wishes-1
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Thank You Card-2
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Thank You Card-3
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Thank You Card4
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Thank You Card5
Mini Gold Foil Assorted Greeting Cards with Envelopes - Thank You Card6
Greeting Cards

Scragall Mion Óir Cártaí Beannachta Éagsúla le Clúdaigh

Praghas díola19.00 SR



Cuir roinnt spléach le do bhronntanais le cárta scragall brúite chun hello a rá! Tá na cártaí seo iontach do bhreithlaethanta, póstaí, bronnadh céime, comhghairdeas, agus go raibh maith agat.

9 CÁRTA ÉAGSÚLA: Duit x2, Mianta is Fearr x2, agus Go raibh maith agat x5.

Tá gach cárta 9.8x7cm (3.9x3"), agus 10.3x7.5cm (4x3" i ngach clúdach);

Tá cártaí bán istigh, agus níl clúdaigh phearsantaithe.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Good quality and cute

Sooooo cute! I dont like writing any more, so these are perfect for a quick hello for friends in my apartment building. High quality and a cute assortment.

Happy customer
Excellent Thank You Notes!

Beautiful, high quality. Very nice design, also. Overall, Im quite pleased.

B'fhéidir gur mhaith leat freisin