Large Pastel Sealing Wax Melting Spoon
Large Pastel Sealing Wax Melting Spoon with Wax Beads 5 colors
Mint Green Large Pastel Mint Green Sealing Wax Melting Spoon
Dusty Pink Large Pastel Dusty Pink Sealing Wax Melting Spoon
Baby Blue Large Pastel Baby Blue Sealing Wax Melting Spoon
Lilac Violet Large Pastel Lilac Violet Sealing Wax Melting Spoon
Cream Beige Large Pastel Cream Beige Sealing Wax Melting Spoon
Navy Blue Large Pastel Sealing Wax Melting Spoon Navy Blue
Dark Green Large Pastel Sealing Wax Melting Spoon Dark Green

Spúnóg Leáphointe Céir Séalaithe Móra Pastel

Praghas díola$10.88



Déanta as adhmad róis nádúrtha, is uirlis úsáideach iad na spúnóga leá céir le dath pastail seo chun coirníní agus maidí céir a leá.

5 Dathanna le roghnú astu: lena n-áirítear gorm leanbh, glas mint, agus bándearg deannaigh;

IMREOIR MÓR: tá suas le 8 bpíosa coirníní céir ochtagán ann; iontach chun go leor coirníní a leá le haghaidh rónta céir i mbaisceanna móra;

ÉASACH LE hÚSÁID: doirteadh gan sileadh leis an dearadh gob;

ÉAS GHLEANÁIL: teas an spúnóg chun an chéir atá fágtha a leá agus go simplí wipe amach le go leor fíocháin;

MÉID: 10cm (4in) ar fhad agus 3cm (1.2in) ar trastomhas;

Cuimsíonn an praghas spúnóg leá amháin de do rogha dath amháin. Ní mór céir shéalaithe a cheannach ar leithligh.

Le treoracha ar chruthú an tséala céir foirfe, tabhair cuairt le do thoil ar anseo.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Great value

Good little wax spoon, shipped quickly

Jesus M.
Not too bad.

Spoon works great for wax sealing

Good quality

Works as it's supposed to. Good little spoon!

Tina B
Great and pretty

Sturdy, as well as pretty. I like the side spout to assist with pouring the sealing wax.

easy to use

Thank you! Everything shipped well and wasn't damaged. The wax colors are gorgeous and the spoon is not only sturdy but very cute. :)

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